Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Science and technology

It is the research, experiment and its observation. The world has been too small due to the invention of science and technology. All the development and changes from past to present due to education which succeed to create such great manpower. This is the time of 21 century where development work is running smoothly. Invention of vehicles, computer, Robert, etc had changed the human life which saves time in a comfortable way life from difficult to easier. Everyday people are creating new device which make the people life too comfortable. So science and education is the mother of science and technology. As there are different fields in science like physic, chemistry, biology, astronomy, geology, etc. which studies the living creatures, physical matter needed for development, universe, etc. so science has great role to bring change in universe ancient to present ages. This time we are using lots of equipments and devices to our daily works. So, present time is the time for science and technology.

Education of language

As the human the wiser animal they can share their feelings, opinions, ideas, knowledge, etc with the help of education of language. People living in different places speak different language. So it is difficult to exchange the massage between people, living in the place to other place. Here English had been easier to talk with person being English language understanding of different language depend upon the learning. So, it necessary to understand about language education. We can guide the people; know about origination of the different language. In case of Nepal, Nepali is common language to all be caste of different people more then 100 languages. As human became success to spread the knowledge of language worldwide language. The books are also written is different language and converted to I language to another to understand. There are some schools which only teach the language education. So for the present days it is most essential.

Social education

The human civilization started from the ancient time. As every living beings needs their proper place to survive. If the animal feels difficult on the environment to live there they go on extinction. Among all living beings human is the most intelligent by their good behavior. Increasing of population started crowd and slowly they knew to cooperative, live in peace place, need friends, etc. since they need society to live. Social education provides education need of society, moral education, to help in difficulty; etc. People cannot live alone in society. He/she needs society to live. As the population is increasing day by day but to manage them to make the society peace and harmony social war, social evil, etc should be controlled. It is necessary to provide social education to the entire human so that the human can get good life.

Health and population education

It is the education about the health. It provides lot of knowledge about the health, population and environment. Any human beings should be healthy mentally and physically to function. As we know healthy body makes healthy mind and health is wealth as well. So it is necessary first to be healthy themselves to do more. It teaches knowledge about population, its calculation its factors effecting to them, controlling measure, etc. since the education plays vital role to maintain health of human and population management. The increment of population and its adverse effect on living being change on the environment. Since health and population gives knowledge to maintain the environment free of pollution and quality life of human. The relation between population and nature, use of natural resource in proper way, etc are taught by education. Study of birth, death, and migration its management, make environment free of pollution and to be healthy life the health education is essential.

Female education

It is the education that is given to the female. May be the population in the world consists half part male and half part female. But this time in most of the countries they are known about country but some are far from the field of education. Even our village or cities cannot be developed in the absence of educated female. Education is given to female not for themselves but also give for their babies. Certain knowledge is give to the children during their early ages which show the way to the further life. As there is saying “morning shows the days”. It means the child is the star of the future. That great work remains on the hand of parents or mainly mother. Since woman should knowledge about different fields so she can change the society. The time is running smoothly where lots of changes happen in certain time. So there shouldn’t be discrimination between male and female in order to give education. Education equality can bring change the face of country and world. Hence female education is most necessary.

Education and news paper

Newspaper is a paper, which caters news. It is a great friend of man today. It gathers prints and publishers news regularly. It helps us in many ways. It is form them that we can know what is happening in other parts of our of country and the world.

The newspaper helps thinkers to popularize their thoughts and ideas. It helps scientists to make know their inventions and discoveries. It helps government to know public mind. It also helps the public about government. Newspapers are great friends of politicians. Through them their call reaches the masses. They are great friends of traders as well. They put advertisements in them. People at once come to know about their goods. These all news and the knowledge mean the education. So newspaper is the source of people news ideas, views, massage etc.

Education from books

The main source of education is from books and teachers who provide lots of knowledge to the people. The books are printed in presses which are written by educated person. We learn different things from book which shows the good way all the readers. There are books on different subjects. We have books on literature, history, mathematics, computer, science, etc. there are some books for children’s also like story book, essay book, letter book, etc. we can get knowledge and entertainment. From book they teach us what we do not know. People get difference between good and bad and to make successful life gaining knowledge from it. We should read many as we can. We only read good books. Bad books are harmful to us.